Silver/Silver Chloride Reference Electrode-Ag/AgCl (B10)

  • Silver/Silver Chloride Reference electrode.
  • Attached with high-quality vycor glass porous low leakage frit.
  • The electrode is supplied with 3M KCl electrolyte filling, and electrolytes of desired concentrations can also be refilled easily.
  • The standard ground joint 10/19 of the electrode, enables the easy assembly to electrochemical cell tops and also ensures gas-tight fitting.
  • This Ag/AgCl reference electrode & vycor frit is suitable for working in a Neutral and slightly alkaline medium.
SKU: MTXE02 Category:

The Ag/AgCl reference electrode with a Vycor porous frit provides accurate electrochemical measurements in neutral and slightly acidic environments. Its strong construction and use of high-quality materials assure long-term durability and minimum potential drift. The 3M KCl electrolyte filling, along with the ability to easily refill with specific concentrations, provides researchers with unparalleled flexibility for tailored experimental conditions The standard ground joint (10/19) ensures easy integration with MTX electrochemical cell tops, making it an essential tool for a wide range of electrochemical applications. Banana connector pin 2mm helps to link the electrodes to potentiostat and galvanostat for precise control of potential and current.​

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Additional information

Weight 0.13 kg
Dimensions 25 × 5 × 5 cm